Issaquah Women's Club
Issaquah Women's Club

About Us

Are you ready to be part of a group of women who are friendly, welcoming, and united in helping the community? We invite you to join us! We are the Issaquah Women's Club, a social and philanthropic organization founded in 1983. We are a diverse group of women, hailing not just from Issaquah but also from Sammamish, Bellevue, Enumclaw, Covington, Newcastle, Preston, Beaux Arts, Mercer Island, Renton, North Bend, Snoqualmie, and Grandview. We meet at 9:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of every month (excluding July and August) at the Lodge at Beaver Lake in Sammamish. Each meeting includes social time and refreshments, followed by a program to educate or entertain, a short business agenda, and often opportunities to support local charities.


We offer a wide variety of fun and interesting activity groups and special interest groups, including Book Club, Foodies & Fun, Walking Group, Happy Hour, Lunch Bunch, Art Group, Mah Jongg Group, Craft Group, Warm Hands & Hearts Group, and Excursions. We also work to support our local community through charitable fundraising and volunteer services. We are women united, coming together to make a difference and having fun and building friendships along the way.


So whether you've lived in the greater Issaquah area your entire life or just arrived, you are bound to find something here that interests you. As you explore these webpages, you will discover all that we have to offer. For details on how to attend a meeting as a guest, please go to our Meetings page. If you just want more information, email our Membership co-chairs, Arla Demore (arlademore@yahoo.com) or Sharon Miller (sharonlee_2@yahoo.com).



Contact Us Today!

Issaquah Women's Club
PO Box 615
Issaquah, WA  98027

E-mail: issaquahwomensclub@gmail.com



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