Issaquah Women's Club
Issaquah Women's Club

Groups and Activities



In addition to our monthly meetings, our members also get together in smaller groups to share some of their mutual special interests in greater depth.  These groups include: 

Art Group

Book Club

Craft Group

Excursion Group

Foodies & Fun

Happy Hour

Lunch Bunch

Mah Jongg Group

Walking/Hiking Group

Warm Hands & Hearts Group





To All Hikers & Walkers!


Co-Leads: Marion Boike (mkboike@msn.com) and Mary Nassif (mary.nassif@comcast.net)




MONDAY, January 6th, 9:30 a.m. WALKEast Lake Sammamish Trail. We will start at the Sammamish State Park Boat Launch parking lot (4455 E. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Issaquah) and walk north along the East Lake Sammamish Trail for 1.5 to 2 miles and then return to the park. It is a level paved path with some vbiew of the lake.


MONDAY, January 13th, 9:30 a.m. WALKLarsen Lake Gardens. We will meet in the parking lot of the Kelsey Creek Starbucks (180 148th Avenue SE, Bellevue), where there is ample parking and we can relax with a beverage after the walk. We will walk the Lake to Lake trail around Larsen Lake and the blueberry fields (all part of the Lake Hills Greenbelt) to Phantom Lake, where we can explore the Bellevue Demonstration Garden and the Community Gardens (tBUG) as well as beautiful Phantom Lake. Our walk will be on level dirt and pavved pathways with the round trip extimarted to be 3.5 to 4 miles.


MONDAY, January 20th, 9:30 a.m. EASY HIKEBig Rock Park. We will start our walk at Big Rock Central Park, at the yellow house (1516 220th Avenue SE, Sammamish). The trail will lead us past the Heritage Garden, Tree House, and Owl Pond. From there we will continue to Big Rock North. The walking path is wide with mostly dirt and bark flooring. We will be walking 2 to 3 miles, unless wedecide to walk on the street (short distance) to sidewalk and continue the walk for another 2 miles. It is a pretty walk from Central Park to North Park.


MONDAY, January 27th, 9:30 a.m. EASY HIKEBridle Trails State Park. We will meet in the parking lot at 5300 116th Avenue NE, Kirkland. You will need a Discovery Pass so if you don't have one, you might want to carpool with someone who does, purchase one at Sammamish State Park, or see if you can check one out at a library. We will walk on the Coyote Loop trail. It's a well-marked trail along dirt paths that may be muddy depending on the weather. We will need to stay on the lookout for piles left behind by horses, which also use the park. It is a beautiful 3.7-mile trail through the woods with an elevation gain of about 260 feet.





MONDAY, February 3rd, 9:30 a.m. WALKPickering Barn to Sammamish State Park. We will meet in the parking lot by Pickering Barn where there is plenty of parking space (1730 10th Avenue NW, Issaquah) and walk to Sammamish State Park. This is a flat walk along mostly paved pathways and that includes a walk along the lake and around the park. About 4 miles in all.


Let Mary (mary.nassif@comcast.net) or Marion (mkboike@msn.com) know if you plan to join us for any of these walks. Guests are always welcome.??) )? ? ???????????___________________________________



January Art Group Meeting:


Date/Time: Tuesday, January 14th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual gathering via Zoom 

Lead: Barb Bruemmer at j_bbruemmer@comcast.net


Our Art Group will have an open session--working on our individual projects, sharing painting tips, and encouraging and supporting our fellow artists.




January Book Club Meeting:


Date/Time: Tuesday, January 28th, at 1:00 p.m.

Hostess: Kathy Drasbek

Book: Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Lead: Susan Calhoun at susancalhoun5@gmail.com


Please contact Kathy at knaparker@msn.com khanlon807@comcast.net to RSVP and to get directions.





January Craft Group Meeting:


Date/Time: Saturday, January 25th, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Note different day than usual!)

Location: Issaquah Library Meeting Room, 10 W. Sunset Way, Issaquah

Co-Leads: Susan Harter at harterfry@aol.com and Sandy Cobel at srcobel@comcast.net


Our next crafting date will be on Saturday, January 25th. We will gather from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Issaquah Library. Our craft for January will be a cross-stitch project. Sandy has procured a large selection of cross-stitch kits, and crafters can choose the one they would like to do. The kits are smaill and uncomplicated, so success is a "sure thing." Come join us for an old-fashioned winter craft of handiwork with your women friends. A $5 materials fee is suggested for this craft.




There are no excursions planned for January 2025. Our creeative members will be coming up with some fun adventures in the new year, so watch this space!











January Foodies & Fun Meeting:


Date/Time: Wednesday, January 15th, at 12 noon

Lead: Heidi Hansen at hhansen56@yahoo.com 

Theme: TBD






January Happy Hour


Date/Time: Wednesday, January 8th, at 4:30 p.m.

Location: Tutta Bella, 715 NW Gilman Blvd., Issaquah

Lead: Bobbie Izuo at bobbieizuo@hotmail.com


Please join us! We would love to see you!





January Lunch Bunch:


Date/Time: Thursday, January 23rd, at 12:00 noon

Location: The Egg & Us, 375 NW Gilman Blvd., Issaquah

Organizer: Susan Harter at harterfry@aol.com


Come join us for lunch at The Egg & Us, one of our old favorites. If you would like to attend, there will be a sign-up sheet at the January 2nd membership meeting. We hope to see you there!





January Mah Jongg Group Meetings:


Date/Time: Second and fourth Fridays (1/10 & 1/24), 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Location: Third-floor community lounge of Diane Edwards's building

Lead: Diane Edwards at diedwards43@gmail.com


Mah Jongg is an interesting and challenging tile game of luck and skill. If you'd like to join, we can teach you. Questions are encouraged, so if you have any interest, please contact Diane. If you like a challenging game, you will enjoy learning Mah Jongg. Everyone is welcome, experienced or new!





Date/Time: Sunday, January 12th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Issaquah Libary Meeting Room, 10 W. Sunset Way, Issaquah

Lead: Sandy Cobel at srcobel@comcast.net 


Come join fellow puzzlers for a jigsaw puzzxe party. Teams of 4 will match their puzzling wits to see who can complete their 300-piece puzzle first! We anticipate much fun, laughter, and of course good conversation with friends. Hope to see you there! 






January Warm Hands & Hearts Group Meeting:


Date/Time: Tuesday, January 14th at 10:00 a.m.

Location: The US Bank, 4851 Lakemont Blvd SE, Bellevue

Lead: Andrea Levy at andreasuelevy@gmail.com


Whether you are interested in learning how to knit and crochet, have been creating with yarn for decades, or anything in between, this is the group for you. You can bring your own projects to the gatherings, or you can help us with our philanthropic work, creating hats for chemo patients and prosthetic breasts (Knitted/Crocheted Knockers) for lumpectomy and mastectomy survivors. Patterns for the donation work will be supplied. Bring whatever supplies you have and we can help you get started.



Contact Us Today!

Issaquah Women's Club
PO Box 615
Issaquah, WA  98027

E-mail: issaquahwomensclub@gmail.com



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